Meek Mill Praises Georgia Governor. Kemp for Signing Probation System Overhaul

allhiphop May 10, 2021 Meek Mill 120
Meek Mill Praises Georgia Governor. Kemp for Signing Probation System Overhaul

Rap star Meek Mill is celebrating a big win for his organization REFORM alliance After a new bill was signed into law by the governor last week.

Rap star Meek Mill is celebrating a big win for his organization REFORM alliance After a new bill was signed into law by the governor last week. Meek Mill sent a shout out to Georgias Republican Governor Brian Kemp over the weekend. This might have raised some eyebrows a few months ago when Donald Trump was running for re-election since Kemp was a supporter before the former POTUS turned on him. But Georgias governor is getting kudos from more than Meek, thanks to a new bill he put his John Hancock one earlier this week. Governor Kemp signed Senate Bill 105, which streamlines the processes within the states probation system. In a rare showing of bipartisanship between the Republicans and the Democrats, Bill 105 passed 169-2 in the Georgia House of Representatives and unanimously in the State Senate. Meek Mill, his organization the REFORM alliance, and other activists say Bill 105 will end the probation to prison pipeline which day has said has led to massive over incarceration. A post shared by Meek Mill (@meekmill) If you live in Georgia you can file for probation termination after 2 years with very high % of being granted, Meek Mill explained. This change will let up 50,000 people off probation when in effect!! THIS HOW WE MOVING STATE TO STATE WITH REFORM. We need all hands on deck join the movement! Reform s/o to Georgia governor for helping free some of us! The new bill will greatly release the time offenders will have to spend on probation in Georgia. According to stats, the average probation term in In the state is a whopping 6.3 years. And, over 40% of those end up serving more than 10 years of probation, leading to an incredible stat: 1 in every 18 Georgian is caught up in the probation system. SB 105 is a bipartisan, evidence-based reform that will safely reduce the prison population, save taxpayer dollars and allow resources to be redirected towards true public safety priorities, said REFORM Alliance CEO Robert Rooks. It is a sensible and essential step toward ensuring a probation system that gives Georgians a meaningful second chance and an opportunity for real redemption. Meek became the poster boy for the problems with the probation system, after an 11-year battle with the state of Pennsylvania. Meek was sent to prison for violating the terms of his probation for some minor and fractions, but after pressure, his sentence and his probation was vacated and he was allowed to plead guilty to a misdemeanor firearms gun possession charge. In January, the REFORM Alliance played a role in passing the SB 1048, SB 1050, and SB 1051 laws which will reshape Michigans probation and parole system. Meek, along with Philadelphia 76ers partner Michael Rubin serves as Co-Chairs for the REFORM Alliance. Shawn Jay-Z Carter, Robert Kraft, Robert Smith, and others are listed as Founding Partners. Posted in Read more

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