At this point, Boosie Badazz might need to block or mute Lil Nas X on social media to keep his blood pressure levels down.
September 3, 2021 Lil Nas X proceeded to retweet Boosies tweet to give him the attention he was looking for without a proper response, which then unleashed a ton of Nas X fans filling up Boosies mentions and trashing his take on the photoshoot. A post shared by MONTERO (@lilnasx) Lol at Boosie waking up at the ass crack of dawn and the first thought on his mind before he even wiped the crust out his old ass eye is Lil Nas sucking some dick. Weirdo, journalist Regina Cho chimed in on Twitter. Lol at Boosie waking up at the ass crack of dawn and the first thought on his mind before he even wiped the crust out his old ass eye is Lil Nas sucking some dick. Weirdo Read more